
Auction Setup

2. Enter in Your Email Address

Enter in Your Email Address

3. Enter in Your Password

Enter in Your Password

4. Click on Login

Click on Login

5. Click on Auctions

Click on Auctions

6. Click on Add Auctions

Click on Add Auctions

7. Click on Select Organization

Click on Select Organization

8. Check Active

Check Active

9. Enter in the Auction Title

Enter in the Auction Title

10. Enter in the Auction Description

Enter in the Auction Description

11. Enter in the Goal Amount

Enter in the Goal Amount

12. Enter in the Bid Increment

Enter in the Bid Increment

13. Check Enable Auto-Number for Item Keywords

Check Enable Auto-Number for Item Keywords

14. Enter in the Auto-Number Prefix

Enter in the Auto-Number Prefix

15. Click on Save and Back

Click on Save and Back